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Contact us

Want to get in touch with our staff team? You’re on the right page! There are various methods of contacting us, which you can find on this page.

Support ticket on Discord (preferred)

The by far most easy way of contacting us is by creating a support ticket on Discord. Depending on the category, our whole staff team (including helpers) will be alerted causing you to get a much faster response. Because you are contacting us via your Discord account, we also immediately know who we are talking to allowing us to work more efficient.
You can create a support ticket via the #rules-and-info channel in our Discord server.

Send an email

You can send an email to our admin team via Keep in mind that there’s a small portion of the team addressing incoming emails, meaning the response times might be higher than you’d normally expect from us.

Contact a staff member directly

You can whisper (/w) in-game or send a DM on Discord to one of our staff members in order to contact them directly. This is by far the least efficient method of contacting us and thus should be avoided.