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The driving power behind the creative server are plots. Plots allow you to claim a lot on the creative server where you can build on. And not just that: it also allows you to control what guests can do on your lot, who can build on your lot and who can’t enter you lot. Last but not least, it also allows you to specifically control Minecraft mechanics just on your own lot.
From here on we will be communicating about lots as plots

Permission control

To specify what people can and cannot do on your plot, there are 4 trust levels. These are explained below in the order of lowest to highest.

People who are denied on your plot cannot access your plot. Very useful for example to keep troublemakers out!

To deny someone, run the following command while standing on your plot: /plot deny USERNAME

This is the default trust level. Guests can visit your plot but not interact with and place or destroy any blocks. To allow guests to interact with (such as a specific type of button) or place/destroy specific blocks, you can use plot flags.

To make someone a guest who currently has a different trust level, run the following command while standing on your plot: /plot remove USERNAME

Members can build on your plot as long as the owner is online. During the time the plot owner is offline, members cannot use their building powers.

To make someone a member on your plot, run the following command while standing on your plot: /plot add USERNAME

People who are trusted can build on your plot, regardless if the owner is online or not. Trusted players can also use WorldEdit on your plot.

To give someone this trust level on your plot, run the following command while standing on your plot: /plot trust USERNAME

The owner of a plot has full control over it.

To change the owner of your plot, please contact us. To see the assigned trust levels on your plot, run /plot info while standing on it.



  • /plot info
    Gives you information about the plot you’re standing on (such as owner, assigned trust levels and configured plot flags)
  • /plot list mine
    Gives you a list of your plots
  • /plot list player USERNAME
    Gives you a list of plots owned by the specified player
  • /plot home NUMBER/ALIAS
    Allows you to teleport to the specified plot that is owned by you
  • /plot visit USERNAME
    Allows you to teleport to someone else’s plot


  • /plot claim*
    Claims the plot you’re standing on if it hasn’t been claimed yet
  • /plot auto*
    Claims the nearest available plot


  • /plot kick USERNAME
    Kicks the specified player from your plot
  • /plot merge**
    Merges your plot with the neighboring plot you’re looking at that is also owned by you
  • /plot unlink***
    Unlinks your plot with the plot you’re looking at
  • /plot set home
    Sets the plot you are standing on as the default plot for the /plot home command
  • /plot alias set NAME
    Allows you to name the plot you’re standing on, which is then used in the /plot info, /plot list and /plot home commands
  • /plot desc DESCRIPTION
    Allows you to set a description for the plot you’re standing on
  • /plot biome****
    Sets the biome of the plot you’re standing on
  • /plot done
    Sets the plot you’re standing on in a read-only mode
  • /plot continue
    Reverts setting your plot to a read-only mode so you can edit the plot you’re standing on again
  • /plot clear***
    Empties the plot you’re standing on while preserving its settings (such as flags)
  • /plot delete***
    Completely resets the plot you’re standing on, completely emptying it, resetting all settings and making it available to be claimed by someone else


Keep in mind only 10 backups are stored. Destructive actions and manually saving a backup irreversably deletes the 11th backup. Backups do not recognize merged (mega) plots, which means that when creating a backup of those you should manually create a backup of every single plot making part of the mega plot.

  • /plot backup save
    Creates a backup of your plot
  • /plot backup load
    Reverts your plot to a previous backup
  • /plot backup list
    Gives you a list of all available backups of your plot

* You can claim a maximum of 4 plots in order to avoid violating the creative server rules. If you need more than 4 plots, you can contact us with valid reasoning to go above the maximum.
_** Merging your plots allows you to create a mega plot. This does require you to own the neighboring plot you want to merge with. If the neighboring plot is currently owned by someone else, we can move the plot of the current owner elsewhere in order to allow you to merge. The current owner must opt in with this. If the current owner opts in, please contact us.

*** This is a descructive action that generally cannot be rolled back. When unlinking your plots you should keep in mind that anything on the place of the original road between plots will be destructed.
**** After changing the biome of your plot, you should disconnect or teleport to the lobby (via /lobby) and teleport back to the creative server in order to see the changes. Using WorldEdit you can also change the biome of your plot more specifically, allowing you to set the biomes of small selections of your plot.

WorldEdit and redstone

By default, using WorldEdit and redstone is disabled on your plot. When you have the trusted role on The Pro SMP Network, you will get the ability to manually enable these features on your plot by setting the no-worldedit and redstone plot flags.

We understand that this might be inconvient for you, but we ask for your understanding. We decided to make the creative server publicly accessible, but this comes with the risk of attracting rotten apples. To restrict the damage dealt by these people as much as possible, we take security measures like these. If you have more questions about this, feel free to contact us!

The creative server uses the paid plugin PlotSquared under the hood. Our own wiki includes all information you should need, and only has features you can actually use documented. If you want to know the very advanced features of the system, you should read PlotSquared’s documentation instead. Be aware that PlotSquared is heavily tweaked with on The Pro SMP Network, so not everything written there applies to the creative server here.